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graphael bar chart with text x-axis

I was wondering how I can make a simple bar chart that perhaps has day as the x-axis, with values 'today' and 'yesterday', and the y-axis as perhaps 'time' with corresponding values '1' and '2'. I guess I'm confused as to how to set text as the values for the x-axis, how to show the y axis, and what exactly r.g.axis does... (I found an example using axis = r.g.axis(0,300,400,0,500,8,2) and I only know it's the xpos, ypos,width, ??, ?? num ticks, ??). Any insight would be great! Or a page with more fully featured bar chart examples (labels, etc). Thanks.


  • For the sake of all those googling this:

    r.g.axis(x_start, y_start, x_width, from, to, steps, orientation, labels, type, dashsize)

    x_start and y_start: distance of the axis text from the bottom left corner

    x_width: position of the end of the text along the x axis

    from and to: used to specify and range to use instead of using the labels argument

    steps: is the number of ticks - 1

    orientation: seems to specify x-axis vs. y-axis

    type: is the type of tick mark used.

    This was all deduced from the source code. I think I'll be switching to a charting library with documentation now...