Search code examples

You are given a string equal halves and reverse it

let n = "jsdfnsgnlewnl";
let l = n.length;
let trgt = Math.floor((l-1)/2);

function firstHalf(anyhting){
  let ans = [];
  for (i = trgt; i>=0; i--){
  return ans;

function lastHlaf (anyhting){
  let ansx = [];
  for (i=l-1; i>=trgt+1; i--){
  return ansx;

let answer = firstHalf(n);
let answerx = lastHlaf(n);
let newAnswer = answer.join("");
let newAnswerx = answerx.join("");

in this code the output should be -> snfdsjglnweln

But it's giving --> gsnfdsjlnweln

Can anyone please explain me.

Thank you for example --> //if ithe input is odd like xyzakig //then the middle value should not be changed please help me to understand the issue


  • Aaaahhh, with your comment concerning odd number of string-length, I think I understood now your question. Hence I edited my initial answer.

    1. Initial string jsdfnsgnlewnl to devide into 2 parts

      We get left half jsdfns and right half nlewnl

    2. Then invert each block seperately

      We get snfdsj and lnweln

    3. Check if initial string-length is odd

      If so, we define the middle element, here g

    4. Then join the 2 strings (or 3 strings if odd)

      We get snfdsjglnwelng

    Now we get your requested result: snfdsjglnweln

    The following code would give you the expected output:

    let n = "jsdfnsgnlewnl";
    let l = n.length;
    let trgt = Math.floor(l/2); // '(l/2) instead of '((l-1)/2)'
    let even = Number.isInteger(l/2); // check if 'l' is an even number
    function firstHalf(anyhting){
      let ans = [];                 // index 'i' is zero-based:  
      for (i = trgt-1; i>=0; i--){  // 'trgt-1' instead of 'trgt'
      return ans;
    function lastHalf (anyhting){  // corrected typo: 'lastHalf' instead of 'lastHlaf'
      let ansx = [];
      for (i=l-1; i>l-1-trgt; i--){ // 'i>l-1-trgt' instead of 'i>=trgt-1'
      return ansx;
    let answerMiddle = "";
    if (!even) answerMiddle = n[trgt]; // define the "letter in the middle" if odd
    let answer = firstHalf(n);
    let answerx = lastHalf(n);
    let newAnswer = answer.join("");
    let newAnswerx = answerx.join("");
    console.log(newAnswer + answerMiddle + newAnswerx)  // add also '+answerMiddle'

    I tested for even string-lengths as well - worked. Hope I got it right now.