Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 is great tool, but has some issues as it's still a work in progress. I'm not on Insiders Program, so I don't get newest builds. I need to deal with some memory issues which are supposed to be fixed already, but I can't figure out if I already have required build or do I need to do some upgrading or is it available only for Insiders at the moment.
My Windows build is 19042.985 (v.20H2)
On Settings -> Apps there's WSL described with 4.19.104
So which build am I using?
I think I found it by running this command in Powershell:
(gcm wsl).Version
is short for Get-Command
which gives basic information about command, including full version:
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
10 0 19041 488
So my build is 19041.
4.19.104, seen on Settings -> Apps, is the version of the WSL kernel.
Another way available in Ubuntu (don't know about other distributions) is to run wslfetch
command which prints basic information including build number: