I have been trying to install Miniconda on a server I am working on. I tried to install the problem using various distributions, and for all of them, I got the following error:
PREFIX=???(Hiding it intentionally)/miniconda Unpacking payload ... Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh: line 404: ???(Hiding it intentionally)/conda.exe: cannot execute binary file Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh: line 406: ???(Hiding it intentionally)/conda.exe: cannot execute binary file
My OS is: Fedora Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server ver 7.6
Would it be possible to know how the error can be fixed?
Incompatible binary errors can be indicative of different architecture, which means different instruction sets. Architectures can be checked on Unix systems with uname -m
OP identified the server is ppc64le architecture, so need to install an appropriate Miniconda version (latest Miniconda3) or possibly consider Miniforge or one of its variants (Mambaforge is my preference), which also builds for many architectures.