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How to remove excess volume when building a COMSOL geometry

I'm having problems removing the blue colored volumes from my COMSOL geometry. I want to remove them in a way that the resulting pipe system doesn't have any holes in it. Another way to put it: I want to cut off the "excess pipe".

My current COMSOL geometry

I have tried all boolean operations COMSOL provides, but nothing seems to be useful to my problem. Which COMSOL tool can i use to achieve my geometry described above?


  • It is certainly possible to achieve this using a combination of boolean operations. But generally, the easiest way is to unite the objects, split them along interior boundaries, and delete the excess volumes:

    • Add a "Union" operation.
    • Add all objects or the relevant subset to the "input objects" selection.
    • Leave the option "Keep interior boundaries" checked (the default).
    • Add a "Split" operation and select the union as input object.
    • Add "Delete Entities" and select "Object" from "Geometric entity level".
    • Select all excess volumes.

    Obviously, the original objects all have to properly overlap for this to work.