Hi I have two collection person and department. Those collection have the properties as below.
I want to aggregate and add a inner array in to the root of the document. Please check the result I need below:
first_name: some name,
last_name : some name,
dept: department1,
dept_name: department1,
dept_descp : this is description,
books: [
book_name: book1,
subject: subject1,
book_name: book2,
subject: subject2,
So far I have tried but I didn't get the needed result
"_id": ObjectId("5ff93b43535bera64de4")
$lookup: {
from: "department",
localField: "dept",
foreignField: "dept_name",
as: "ndept"
$project:{"books": '$ndept.books'}
the result I would like to get is
first_name: some name,
last_name : some name,
dept: department1,
books: [
book_name: book1,
subject: subject1,
book_name: book2,
subject: subject2,
Try $arrayElemAt
to select first element from array
$addFields: {
books: { $arrayElemAt: ["$ndept.books", 0] }