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SwiftUI: Detected a case where constraints ambiguously suggest a height of zero for a table view cell's content view

How can I fix the reason why the warning appears?

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var selectedDate: Date = Date()

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            DatePicker("Date", selection: $selectedDate, displayedComponents: .date)


  • A workaround solution would be to use a List View instead of a Form. It all depends on what you want to put in your Form. For demonstration purpose, using a List, your code would look like this:

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var selectedDate: Date = Date()
        var body: some View {
            List {
                DatePicker("Date", selection: $selectedDate, displayedComponents: .date)

    The above gives the same visual effect (UI) as using a List, and no warning is shown.

    Because everything is working correctly with your Form, I don't really see the need to change your Form to a List just to avoid the logs.