I have very simple table in my MariaDB - 3 columns:
I want to be able to insert big array of object at once in the table. Here is a piece of the data how looks:
[ { date: '2021-03-01T05:55:00.000Z', kpdValue: 0, savings: 0 },
{ date: '2021-03-01T06:00:00.000Z', kpdValue: 0, savings: 0 },
{ date: '2021-03-01T06:05:00.000Z', kpdValue: 0, savings: 0 },
{ date: '2021-03-01T06:10:00.000Z', kpdValue: 0, savings: 0 },
{ date: '2021-03-01T06:15:00.000Z', kpdValue: 0, savings: 0 },
I can receive data with same PK more than once and the idea is when there is PK in new data with same PK in the table - to replace it.
In the example screenshot I have PK DT with value 2021-02-11 15:45:00. I managed to create query which is checking if it exists and if exist replaces it, if not creates it:
INSERT INTO savingswest (DT,Saving,kpd)
VALUES ('2021-02-11 15:45:00','4.4','1.4')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Saving='20.5',dt='2021-02-11 15:45:00',kpd='1.9';
How I can do this procedure with the array I receive ?
I am using Node.js.
You can use Knex.js. Specifically the merge method.
Here's an example:
{ dt: '2021-03-01T05:55:00.000Z', kpd: 0, savings: 0 },
{ dt: '2021-03-01T06:00:00.000Z', kpd: 0, savings: 0 },
{ dt: '2021-03-01T06:05:00.000Z', kpd: 0, savings: 0 },
{ dt: '2021-03-01T06:10:00.000Z', kpd: 0, savings: 0 },
{ dt: '2021-03-01T06:15:00.000Z', kpd: 0, savings: 0 },
Output for single record:
insert into `tableName` (`dt`,`kpd`, `savings`) values ('2021-03-01T05:55:00.000Z', 0, 0) on duplicate key update `kpd` = values(`kpd`), `savings` = values(`savings`)