I have a zip folder that contains a password{i}.txt
file and a zip{i}.zip
folder. I have to extract the password-protected zip using the password from password{i}.txt
. Then, zip{i+1}.zip
is also password protected (inside of zip{i}
) and I have to do the same thing. Given 999 nested directories, I have to keep extracting until I reach a final answer
that is in a file.
The source code for doing this in bash is quite simple and easy to follow.
for ((i = 999 ; i >= 0 ; i--))
pass=`cat password${i}.txt`
rm password${i}.txt
unzip -P $pass zip${i}.zip
rm zip${i}.zip
I am learning PowerShell, but I am having trouble creating the code for it. How would I implement something similar using PowerShell? I am assuming the source is also quite short.
I solved this using multiple ways, but I had to download a dependency of some sort for the file extraction (with a password). I used 7Zip4Powershell
and the code functions identical to the bash version.
$curr = Get-Location
for ($i=999; $i-ge 0; $i--) {
$pwd = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("password$i.txt");
Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName "zip$i.zip" -TargetPath $curr -Password $pwd
rm "password$i.txt"
rm "zip$i.zip"