I have data containing columns x and lx, I want to get cumulative sum on lx basis. My data is like:
x | l(x) |
20 | 100.000 |
21 | 99.644 |
22 | 99.286 |
23 | 98.925 |
24 | 98.561 |
25 | 98.195 |
26 | 97.829 |
and I want to get output like :
x | l(x) |
20 | 692.440 |
21 | 592.440 |
22 | 492.796 |
23 | 393.510 |
24 | 294.585 |
25 | 196.024 |
26 | 97.829 |
ie. accumulative sum
So it there a possible way to achieve it?
We can rev
erse the column, get the cumulative sum (cumsum
) and rev
erse the output
df$`l(x)` <- with(df, rev(cumsum(rev(`l(x)`))))
# x l(x)
#1 20 692.440
#2 21 592.440
#3 22 492.796
#4 23 393.510
#5 24 294.585
#6 25 196.024
#7 26 97.829
Or another option is revcumsum
df$`l(x)` <- revcumsum(df$`l(x)`)
Or using accumulate
from purrr
df %>%
mutate(`l(x)` = accumulate(`l(x)`, `+`, .dir = 'backward'))
df <- structure(list(x = 20:26, `l(x)` = c(100, 99.644, 99.286, 98.925,
98.561, 98.195, 97.829)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,