I have a large body of text that I am working with in r and I have identified the line numbers containing key text. I have these stored as two different objects: location1 and location2
I want to now create a list of the lines that fall between location1 and location2.
location1 int [1:393] 4 21 38 57 75 93 110 127 144 166 ...
location2 int [1:393] 6 23 41 59 77 95 112 129 147 168 ...
So I am looking for output that looks like:
5 22 39 40 58 76 111 128 145 146 167
This is more complicated than just location1 + 1 because there are instances where there are multiple lines between location1
and location2
. For example, when location1
is 38 and location2
is 41 I would expect to get 39 and 40 in the output.
How do I do this?
unlist(Map(seq, location1 + 1, location2 - 1))
[1] 5 22 39 40 58 76 94 111 128 145 146 167