I wanted to know how to process a list of LESS files using the exe binaries, for example:
./dotless.Compiler.exe -m *.less
Right now I only can do individual files, but can't do wildcard.
The reason why I asked about this is that I want to create a target in MSBuild, which is to process an item collection (which is a list of files). I couldn't find a way to loop a task in side MSBuild. If anyone knows how to loop a task for each file, that would solve my problem too.
Use an ItemGroup
to get a list of files like this:
<MyFiles Include="[path to less files]\*" />
Call the compiler once for each file by using %(MyFiles.FullPath)
syntax (also known as Task Batching)
<Target Name="CompileLess">
<Exec Command="$(dotLessCompiler) -m %(MyFiles.FullPath)" />