I got all C# implementations on Google, so I converted it to VB.Net, but I am not able to convert 1 line where it gives error.
My Class :
Imports Migrator.Framework
[Migration(1)] ' Gives ERROR Here.. How to write this in VB.net ?
Public Class mig_001
Inherits Migration
Public Overrides Sub Up()
New Column("Id", DbType.Int32, ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyWithIdentity),
New Column("Name", DbType.String, 100, ColumnProperty.NotNull),
New Column("Diameter", DbType.Double),
New Column("Mass", DbType.Double),
New Column("SupportsLife", DbType.Boolean, False)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Down()
End Sub
End Class
Once again :
[Migration(1)] => How to write this in VB.net and what does it means in VB.net ?
I read in an article that its mandatory for version of Migration, otherwise Migratordotnet will miss the migration.
So.. How to do it ?
Like this:
<Migration(1)> _
Public Class mig_001
This <…>
feature, belonging to the following class, is called an attribute in .NET.