I am using Kotlin's html library kotlinx.html for dynamic html building.
I want to create a button which triggers a function when clicked. This is my current code:
class TempStackOverflow(): Template<FlowContent> {
var counter: Int = 1
override fun FlowContent.apply() {
div {
button(type = ButtonType.button) {
onClick = "${clicked()}"
fun clicked() {
This results in the following source code:
<button type="button" onclick="kotlin.Unit">testkotlin.Unit</button>
Which gives this error when clicked (from Chrome developer console):
Uncaught ReferenceError: kotlin is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick
I have tried several approves, and search for a solution - but could not find the proper documentation.
Unfortunately, you're completely missing the point of the kotlinx.html library. It can only render HTML for you, it's not supposed to be dynamic kotlin->js bridge, like Vaadin or GWT. So, you just set result of clicked
function converted to String to onClick
button's property, which is effective kotlin.Unit
, because kotlin.Unit
is default return value of a function if you not specify another type directly.
fun clicked() {
is the same as
fun clicked():Unit {
and same as
fun clicked():Kotlin.Unit {
So, when you set "${clicked()}" to some property it actually exec function (your counter is incremented here) and return Koltin.Unit value, which is becomes "Kotlin.Unit" string when it rendered inside "${}" template