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Rider saids can not update dotnet core in path “/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet”

I have been working with dotnet core in manjaro, I have followed the official guide from Microsoft, they recommend you to install donet-sdk and runtime from snap store, but has some drawbacks with manjaro, like, dotnet tools doesn't work properly.

So I uninstalled the snap version, And now I Followed the wikiarch to install dotnet from a script, everything its fine, even the dotnet tools like donet-ef works properly, but when I tried to create a new solution with Rider, but it says "Rider can not update dotnet core in path '/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet' "

Output of: whereis dotnet is dotnet: /usr/bin/dotnet /usr/share/dotnet

And the ouput of: which dotnet is /usr/bin/dotnet

Whats the problem here, When I try to create a new solution or project with the command dotnet newworks pretty well.


  • In my case it helped to close Rider and delete the folders ~/.cache/JetBrains/Rider2021.1 and ~/.config/JetBrains/Rider2021.1 Afterwards Rider provided all .NET Core project options under "New Solution" and successfully loaded existing projects/solutions.