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Invalid_grant after page reload Twinfield

I am currently trying to setup the Twinfield API. I believe I am almost there, almost... I managed to retrieve an accessToken and a refreshToken, but somehow this works only on the first page load. After reloading the page I get the 'invalid_grant' error. I am not exactly sure what goes wrong, because it actually is working on the first page load.

Here is my code:

        $provider    = new OAuthProvider([
        'clientId'     => 'clientId',
        'clientSecret' => 'clientSecret',
        'redirectUri'  => ''

    if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
        $options = [
            'scope' => ['twf.user', 'twf.organisation', 'twf.organisationUser', 'offline_access', 'openid']
        $authorizationUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl($options);
        $_SESSION['oauth2state'] = $provider->getState();
        header('Location: ' . $authorizationUrl);
    } elseif (empty($_GET['state']) || (isset($_SESSION['oauth2state']) && $_GET['state'] !== $_SESSION['oauth2state'])) {
        if (isset($_SESSION['oauth2state'])) {
        exit('Invalid state');
    } else {
        try {

            $accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
                'code' => $_GET['code']
            $refreshToken = $accessToken->getRefreshToken();

            echo 'Access Token: ' . $accessToken->getToken() . "<br>";
            echo 'Refresh Token: ' . $accessToken->getRefreshToken() . "<br>";
            echo 'Expired in: ' . $accessToken->getExpires() . "<br>";
            echo 'Already expired? ' . ($accessToken->hasExpired() ? 'expired' : 'not expired') . "<br>";

            $office       = \PhpTwinfield\Office::fromCode("someOfficeCode");
            $connection  = new \PhpTwinfield\Secure\OpenIdConnectAuthentication($provider, $refreshToken, $office);

           // $offices = $officeApiConnector->listAllWithoutOfficeCode();

        } catch (\League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderException $e) {
            // Failed to get the access token or user details.
            exit($e->getMessage() . ' error');

I hope someone can tell me more about what I have been doing wrong. Thanks for the help already.


  • I used a session counter to make sure a new authorization code is requested every time the page gets refreshed. This way the authorization code always matches the access token and refresh Token.

    namespace App\Http\Middleware;
    use Closure;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use PhpTwinfield\ApiConnectors\CustomerApiConnector;
    use PhpTwinfield\Secure\Provider\OAuthProvider;
    use PhpTwinfield\Secure\OpenIdConnectAuthentication;
      class TWFconnector
         * Handle an incoming request.
         * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
         * @param  \Closure  $next
         * @return mixed
        public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
            if (!isset($_SESSION['arr']['counter'])) {
                $_SESSION['arr']['counter'] = 0;
            } else {
        $twin_client_id = '';
        $twin_client_secret = '';
        $twin_client_uri = '';
        $provider    = new OAuthProvider([
            'clientId'     => $twin_client_id,
            'clientSecret' => $twin_client_secret,
            'redirectUri'  => $twin_client_uri,
        if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
            $options = [
                'scope' => ['twf.user', 'twf.organisation', 
        'twf.organisationUser', 'offline_access', 'openid']
            $authorizationUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl($options);
            header('Location: ' . $authorizationUrl);
            $_SESSION['arr']['counter'] = 0;
        } elseif($_SESSION['arr']['counter'] > 1) {
        } else {
            $accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
                'code' => $_GET['code']
            $refreshToken = $accessToken->getRefreshToken();
            $office       = \PhpTwinfield\Office::fromCode("");
            $connection = new OpenIdConnectAuthentication($provider, 
            $refreshToken, $office);
            return $next($request);