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How to replace multiple lines of file via powershell

I have a httpd.conf file, which contains some part like -

<ThisBlock *:4443>
    This Part can contain any random lines
    This Part can contain any random lines
    This Part can contain any random lines

What i want is to swap the above block with this new block using powershell or cmd

<ThisBlock *:4443>
    This Part contain Static lines
    This Part contain Static lines


  • you could use regex with option SingleLine: all text between the tags are replaced

    $newtext = "<ThisBlock *:4443>
        This Part contain Static lines
        This Part contain Static lines
    $text = Get-Content -Path C:\httpd.conf  -Encoding UTF8 -raw
    $option = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Singleline 
    #i have to escape the char \ becasue is special char
    $pattern = "<ThisBlock \*:4443>.*?</ThisBlock>"
    $rgx = [regex]::new($pattern, $option)
    $result = $rgx.Replace($text, $newtext)