Given code like:
def do_stuff():
session = boto3.session.Session()
client = session.client(service_name="secretsmanager", region_name=region_name)
how do I mock
to return some value
and how do I mock it to throw an exception
def test_get_sendgrid_api_key_secret_when_client_error(mock_session):
session = mock_session.Session();
client = session.client()
client.get_secret_value().return_value =
{"SecretString": "my-secret"} <- this is wrapped in a MagicMock which is useless.
You need to set a tree of return values:
needs to return a mock objectclient
method that returns another mock objectget_secret_value
method that returns a fake valueIf I assume that
exists and contains:
import boto3.session
def do_stuff():
session = boto3.session.Session()
client = session.client(service_name="secretsmanager", region_name='myregion')
return client.get_secret_value(SecretId='some-secret-id')
Then I can test it like this:
from unittest import mock
import target
def test_do_stuff(mock_session_class):
mock_session_object = mock.Mock()
mock_client = mock.Mock()
mock_client.get_secret_value.return_value = {'SecretString': 'my-secret'}
mock_session_object.client.return_value = mock_client
mock_session_class.return_value = mock_session_object
res = target.do_stuff()
assert res['SecretString'] == 'my-secret'
This works, although I suspect there's a more graceful way to set it up.