I'm facing an issue with a POST request. It's pretty simple, actually, I just need to send a piece of date in json in the body of the application. However, I keep getting the message below:
The JSON value could not be converted to System.String
The complete error message is as follows:
400 Bad Request: [{"type":"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1","title":"One or more validation errors occurred.","status":400,"traceId":"xxx","errors":{"$.reconciliationDate":["The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $.fooDate | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 23."]}}]
I tried using LinkedMultiValueMap instead of JsonObject and it didn't work too. From the error I assume there's something wrong with the json I'm sending... the data is: {"fooDate":"2021-05-11"}
. The complete code is:
public void foo(String fooDate){
Token token = this.GetAccessToken();
if(token == null){
throw new Exception("Access token was null");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.getAccess_token());
JsonObject body = Json.createObjectBuilder()
.add("fooDate", fooDate).build();
HttpEntity<Object> entity = new HttpEntity<>(body, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> result = restTemplate.exchange(properties.getUri(),
if(result.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK){
throw new Exception(String.format("Endpoint returned an unexpected status code : %d",
}catch (Exception e){
The answer was pretty simple, actually. While attempting to fix this I tried adding to the headers the following:
headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
And that changed nothing on the behavior. However, by adding the following the bug was fixed:
Hope this help something else when facing a similar issue.