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switch off windows 10 defender antivirus permanently as it is creating problem to android studio

I want to disable the windows 10 defender antivirus permanently or switch off the notifications that I get on switching it off. Also, it should not be turned on after a windows update.

I can switch it off through

But it shows me constant notifications to turn it on and get turned on automatically after windows updates.

or someone please tell me the method to use the android studio with anti-virus as it shows me warnings and also android studio runs very slow with the antivirus enabled. especially during the build process or when we run the app


  • if you follow the method specified in your post, the action is not permanent. (the antivirus will turn itself back on after sometimes)

    enter image description here

    You can try disable it via registry. First, open a Registry Editor. Next, navigate to Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows Defender. Add a key name DisableAntiSpyware with type REG_DWORD and set its value to 1. Restart your PC afterwards.

    enter image description here

    Notes: Advisable to have windows defender turned on unless you know what you are doing.