I'm trying to read an XML, it works pretty well on the whole except for the attribute named :
<custom-attribute attribute-id="loyaltyNumber">1234567890</custom-attribute>
which I am trying to get the value "1234567890"
Here is the test code:
DECLARE @XML XML = '<customers>
<customer customer-no="00000001">
<custom-attribute attribute-id="ServiceId">1</custom-attribute>
<custom-attribute attribute-id="loyaltyNumber">1234567890</custom-attribute>
<customer customer-no="00000002">
<custom-attribute attribute-id="loyaltyNumber">1234567890</custom-attribute>
CustomerNo = Events.value('@customer-no', 'int'),
--EventType = Events.value('@Type', 'varchar(20)'),
CustomerLogin =Events.value('(credentials/login)[1]', 'varchar(60)'),
CustomerLocal =Events.value('(profile/preferred-locale)[1]', 'varchar(60)'),
EventKind =Events.value('(profile/custom-attributes/custom-attribute)[2]', 'varchar(60)')
@XML.nodes('/customers/customer') AS XTbl(Events)
The current result is:
CustomerNo | CustomerLogin | CustomerLocal | EventKind |
1 | test@email.com | fr_BE | 1234567890 |
2 | test2@email.com | fr_FR | NULL |
And it's logical since custom-attributes are optional, so you can't access them with the index. So I'm looking for a way to access them by name: attribute-id="loyaltyNumber"
..filter the path to the attribute which has attribute-id = “loyaltyNumber”
EventKind =Events.value('(profile/custom-attributes/custom-attribute[@attribute-id="loyaltyNumber"])[1]', 'varchar(60)')