I have a react project and I have created bundle using npm run build. And in package.json I have also defined the homepage attribute.
So when I try to deploy this bundle file folder on tomcat, the tomcat serves the static react content.
But JBOSS gives 404 error, that I am not able to understand why?
So if it will not work, then how to deploy react project on jboss server?
You need to define a location on where you want your bundle to 'live' and a handler to serve its content. With the jboss cli you need to execute the following commands :
The first comment create an undertow handler to access the filesystem: https://docs.wildfly.org/24/wildscribe/subsystem/undertow/configuration/handler/file/index.html
The 2nd command links this path to a resource location: https://docs.wildfly.org/24/wildscribe/subsystem/undertow/server/host/location/index.html