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Built in directives not working on root component

In my app, the root component is app-root. When I set property bindings like

    <app-root [style.display]="'none'"></app-root>

the bindings are just ignored. I get no error either in my terminal or the console. The same happens with

    <app-root [ngClass]="'someClass'"></app-root>

These work fine with other nested components, like

<head-comp [ngClass]="'someClass'"></head-comp>

but not with my root component.

I have tried restarting the server and refreshing the page many times but issue is still there.


  • You can achieve it like this:

    export class AppComponent {
      @HostBinding('class') get class() {
        if (false) {
          return 'do not hide';
        return 'hide';
    :host.hide {
      display: none;

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