I'm trying to run detox tests, on Android they run correctly.
When using Xcode 11 build tools, the app installs correctly and all tests run.
When using Xcode 12 the app fails to install. The app attempts to be installed 3 times, and eventually the simulator complains that it's unable to install and the app icon is darkened on the simulator.
I've tried debug and release configurations, and I am cleaning/building each time. Running the scheme directly in Xcode on v12, the application installs and works normally.
The build command:
xcodebuild -workspace ios/myapp.xcworkspace -configuration Debug -scheme myscheme -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build/datapath
What am I missing to get this working on Xcode 12?
As per my knowledge, few previous versions of detox don't support Xcode 12. Upgrading detox might solve the issue.