I have the following code which return wmi information (unknown array)
For Each objMgmt In oquery.Get()
For Each theproperty In objMgmt.Properties
If (TypeOf objMgmt(theproperty.Name) Is System.Array) Then
myrow(theproperty.Name) = ConvertArray(CType(objMgmt(theproperty.Name), Array)).Trim
end if
Function ConvertArray converts this to a string value.
Function ConvertArray(ByVal myarray As System.Array) As String
Dim tel As Integer
Dim res As String = ""
If myarray.Length = 0 Then
Return ""
End If
If myarray.Length = 1 Then
res = myarray(0).ToString
For tel = 0 To myarray.Length - 1
If TypeOf myarray(tel) Is UInt16 Then
res = res + "[" + CType(myarray(tel), UInt16).ToString + "] , "
res = res + CStr(myarray(tel)) + " , "
End If
res = Mid(res, 1, Len(res) - 2)
End If
Return res
End Function
"myarray(tel)" give "Option Strict On disallows late binding" problem when I turn option explicit on. How can I solve this, wmi returns integers or strings depending on the query.
You can do myarray.GetValue(0)
instead of myArray(0)
. This will work even with Option Strict On.