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ProgressBar management in BaseActvity/BaseFragment

Read the Answer, If you are also facing similar problems in Android app like below

  • Need to manage progress bar from a single place instead of every activity/fragment.
  • Want to remove the ProgressDialog from your BaseAcivity/BaseFragment.


  • There are many options to handling ProgreessBar in Android app. I would like to share my way. Hope it helps some one and save some time.

    First of all We are adding a root progress bar in BaseActivity and Same progress bar using in BaseFragment

    For Adding a progress bar in BaseActivity override the setContentView(layoutResID) method


    lateinit var progressListener: ProgressListener
    private lateinit var progressBar: ProgressBar
    override fun setContentView(layoutResID: Int) {
        val coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_base, null) as CoordinatorLayout
        val activityContainer: FrameLayout = coordinatorLayout.findViewById(
        progressBar = coordinatorLayout.findViewById( as ProgressBar
        binder = DataBindingUtil.inflate(layoutInflater, layoutResId(), activityContainer, true)//to inflate a layout using Data binding 
        binder.lifecycleOwner = this
    override fun onPostCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            progressListener = ProgressListener(getProgressBar())
     *  open it for overload it in other child activity
     *  So in case
     *  If you want to use BaseProgress just ignore it, Don't need to override this fun
     *  If you want to your progressbar change, Just define in your xml and override the progress bar instance to base
     *  If you don't want to use Base as well any custom progress just override this and return null
     *  */
    open fun getProgressBar(): ProgressBar? {
            return progressBar


    class ProgressListener(private val progressBar: ProgressBar?) {
        fun showLoading(isVisible: Boolean) {
            progressBar?.visibility = if (isVisible) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android=""
                android:layout_height="match_parent" />
                android:layout_gravity="center" />

    And Now For the BaseFragment just access the BaseActivity's progress bar using BaseActivity's instance, and rewrite the open fun for BaseFragment as well.

    Note: If you are facing some issue or If I am not able to clarifying the solution properly, Just comment below.

    Happy Coding :)