I need to Optimize this query as creationDate is not index column . So it is taking time . Below is the query :-
quoteId as 'ID of the quote',
requestType as 'Quote Type',
type as 'New or Change',
taskName as 'Quote Status',
currency.currencyCode as 'Currency Code',
customer.name as 'Customer Name(Contracting Party)',
quote.contractingParty_customerId as 'Customer IC01(Contracting Party)',
customer.salesCountryValue as 'Customer sales country',
item.fpc_financeProductCodeId as 'fpc',
opt.number as "option",
opt.pricingMonthlyAmount as "Monthly existing Charges(Eur).",
opt.pricingOneOffCharges as "Total One-off Charges(EUR)",
opt.customerLabel as "Customer Label",
item.property as "service infomration"
pqto01.qto_quote quote inner join
pqto01.qto_product_item item on quote.product_productId = item.productItems_productId inner join
pqto01.qto_option opt on opt.options_productItemId = item.productItemId inner join
pqto01.qto_customer customer on customer.customerId = quote.contractingParty_customerId inner join
pqto01.qto_currency currency on quote.pricingCurrency1_currencyId = currency.currencyId
where quote.creationDate between ('2020-03-01' and '2020-03-10') and
(opt.pricingMonthlyAmount = 0 and opt.pricingOneOffCharges = 0);
If i am running the query without creationDate then it is taking less time but with creationDate in where it is taking more than 30 sec in mysql . So , any way i can make it faster without indexing the creationDate column. Database i m using is my sql. Thank you.
may benefit from this composite index:
INDEX(pricingOneOffCharges, pricingMonthlyAmount)