I am working on discordpy bot, I connect and disconnect to database in every single function, I don't think this is a good method but I tried using decorators to connect and disconnect to the database and sending the cursor as a parameter to the function.
here is my code:
def connectToDB(func):
async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
db = sqlite3.connect(DB_DIR)
cursor = db.cursor()
print(*args, **kwargs)
res = await func(*args, **kwargs, cursor=cursor)
return res
return wrapper
class MusicBot(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
@commands.command(name="myplaylist", aliases=['mypl'])
async def myPlaylist(self, ctx, name=None, currentPage=0, cursor=None):
currentPage = int(currentPage)
if name:
await self.getPlaylistByName(ctx, name, cursor)
result = cursor.execute(f"SELECT playlist_name, playlist_items, playlist_length, date"
f" FROM PLAYLIST WHERE user = ?", (str(ctx.author),))
playlists = result.fetchall()
embed = getPlaylistsEmbed(ctx, playlists, currentPage)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(bot):
But this does not optmize the code, because discordpy must know what parameter do you want for the command, and so in wrapper I have said def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
which doesn't specify any parameter so discordpy assumes I only need the default parameters.
To solve this I have tried:
def connectToDB(f):
global func
func = f
params = inspect.signature(func)
f"async def wrapper{str(params)}:"
" db = sqlite3.connect(DB_DIR)"
" cursor = db.cursor()"
" print(*args, **kwargs)"
f" res = await func{str(params)}"
" db.commit()"
" cursor.close()"
" db.close()"
" return res", globals()
return wrapper
this dosen't work, because after running for each command in the end it will stay with its last change.
2. asigning the decorators like this
@commands.command(name="myplaylist", aliases=['mypl'])
3. this one is quite stupid. Making a decorator factory to get the params
def connectToDB(*args, **kwargs):
print(args, kwargs)
def decorator(func):
async def wrapper(*_args, **_kwargs):
db = sqlite3.connect(DB_DIR)
cursor = db.cursor()
print(*_args, **_kwargs)
res = await func(*_args, **_kwargs, cursor=cursor)
return res
return wrapper
return decorator
@commands.command(name="myplaylist", aliases=['mypl'])
@connectToDB(self=None, ctx=None, name=None, page=0, msg=None, cursor=None)
async def myPlaylist(self, ctx, name=None, page=0, msg=None, cursor=None):
This is an issue that occurs quite often when trying to use decorators with libraries that depend on introspecting your functions. The solution is functools.wraps()
def connectToDB(func):
async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# setup database...
res = await func(*args, **kwargs, cursor=cursor)
# teardown database...
return res
return wrapper
calls functools.update_wrapper
, which will update "a wrapper function to look like the wrapped function", copying metadata so that introspection tools will report the properties of the original function, not of the wrapper.