Is it possible somehow to achieve this behavior in C#:
public interface IReadOnly
Data Value { get; }
internal interface IWritable : IReadOnly
Data Value { get; set; }
I want to be able to expose a readonly interface to outside assemblies, but use a writable interface internally (which I could also implement in different ways).
I know I can use an abstract class which implements IReadOnly
but adds setters, but that forces me to derive all internal implementations from that class.
This isn't a problem:
public interface IReadOnly {
Data Value { get; }
internal interface IWritable : IReadOnly {
new Data Value { get; set; }
internal class Impl : IWritable {
public Data Value { get; set; }
The Impl.Value property implementation takes care of both IReadOnly.Value and IWritable.Value, as demonstrated in this test snippet:
var obj = new Data();
var target = new Impl();
var irw = (IWritable)target;
irw.Value = obj;
var iro = (IReadOnly)target;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(iro.Value, obj));