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FFMPEG - Output video not playing after effect

I am using FFMPEG for giving effects to video.

I tried to give effect to video using below commands.

ffmpeg -i Input1.mp4 -i Input2.mp4 -filter_complex xfade=transition=circleopen:duration=5:offset=0 OutPutVideo.mp4

My command runs fine but output video is not running even in VLC media player.

I got these commands from location:

My videos are at location:

Please advise what is the issue?

Kind Regards,


  • It is outputting a non-compatible pixel format (yuv444p). Add the format filter to make it output yuv420p which is widely supported:

    ffmpeg -i Input1.mp4 -i Input2.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]xfade=transition=circleopen:duration=5:offset=297,format=yuv420p;[0:a][1:a]acrossfade=d=5" OutPutVideo.mp4