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Are there naming rules in Arxml?

I am checking the ‘IPdu Mapping’ in AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate.pdf, IPduMapping in Arxml will be I-PDU-MAPPING,targetIPdu will be TARGET-I-PDU, is there any rules on the name?

Any AUTOSAR document mention this naming convention?



  • You will find the answer to your question in chapter 3.6 (named "XML Names") of the AUTOSAR standard document "TPS SchemaProductionRules".

    In short, capital letters in the name of a meta-model element (like IPduMapping) trigger the existence of a "-" in the XML name in the schema (translating it to I-PDU-MAPPING). XML names in the AUTOSAR schema are all-uppercase by convention. There are further rules for numerals, as described in the quoted chapter.