I'm trying to retrieve firebase documents and also get a signed URL to the associated image for that doc using snapshot.forEach block. I'm pushing the contents and the signed url as i receive them into an array so that i can return the whole array to my angular frontend after the forEach block is executed.
I'm using the firebase admin-sdk to generate the bucket reference - 'storageRef'.
But the newslist array that i receive in frontend seems to be empty for some reason. Can someone let me know what is going wrong here?
exports.getContents = async(req, res, next) => {
var newslist = [];
// Get the contents of each document
var snapshot = await db.collection('feeds').doc(req.query.language).collection(req.query.type).get();
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
storageRef.file("thumbnail/" + req.query.type + "/" + doc.id + ".png").getSignedUrl({
action: 'read',
expires: '12-12-2025'
}).then(signedUrls => {
author: doc._fieldsProto.author,
cat: doc._fieldsProto.cat,
content: doc._fieldsProto.content,
createdAt: doc._fieldsProto.createdAt,
excerpt: doc._fieldsProto.excerpt,
id: doc.id,
imageSrc: signedUrls[0],
lastEdit: doc._fieldsProto.lastEdit,
media: doc._fieldsProto.media,
os_android: doc._fieldsProto.os_android,
os_ios: doc._fieldsProto.os_ios,
region: doc._fieldsProto.region,
status: doc._fieldsProto.status,
title: doc._fieldsProto.title,
type: doc._fieldsProto.type
}).catch(error => {
message: "Feeds retrieved successfully",
feeds: newslist
Thanks @Đăng Khoa Đinh. I used your logic to find a working solution. Here is my code
const db = admin.firestore();
var storageRef = admin.storage().bucket();
exports.getContents = async(req, res, next) => {
newslist = []; let i = 0;
// Print the ID and contents of each document
var snapshot = await db.collection('feeds').doc(req.query.language).collection(req.query.type).get();
var promiseSet = snapshot.docs.map(item => getSignedUrl(req.query.type,item.id));
var signedUrlsSet = await Promise.all(promiseSet);
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
let signedUrls = signedUrlsSet[i];
author: doc._fieldsProto.author,
cat: doc._fieldsProto.cat,
content: doc._fieldsProto.content,
createdAt: doc._fieldsProto.createdAt,
excerpt: doc._fieldsProto.excerpt,
id: doc.id,
imageSrc: signedUrls[0],
lastEdit: doc._fieldsProto.lastEdit,
media: doc._fieldsProto.media,
os_android: doc._fieldsProto.os_android,
os_ios: doc._fieldsProto.os_ios,
region: doc._fieldsProto.region,
status: doc._fieldsProto.status,
title: doc._fieldsProto.title,
type: doc._fieldsProto.type
message: "Feeds retrieved successfully",
feeds: newslist
Here is my getSignedUrl function
function getSignedUrl(req, doc) {
return storageRef.file("thumbnail/" + req + "/" + doc + ".png").getSignedUrl({
action: 'read',
expires: '12-12-2025'