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I am facing this iisue while generating java classes from wsdl and xsd

I am facing this issue while generating java classes from wsdl and xsd.pls suggest.

  1. Error message: "Execution schema1-generate of goal org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin:0.14.0:generate failed"
  2. What has been tried ? Eclipse installed jre set to jdk
  3. Tried changing the jaxb plugin from org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2 to org.codehaus.moj but still the same
  4. I have multiple wsdls and they have xsds . Below is my pom file configuration :
<!-- <version>0.13.2</version> -->              


  • Finally the below worked for me:

                <!-- <version>0.13.2</version> -->
           <include>sourceOf the xsd</include>