I have the following df (test2):
Department Assignment Status Overdue Percentage
2 Business Services Overdue 393 2.05
5 Operations Overdue 4651 3.67
8 Quality Assurance Overdue 650 2.16
11 Quality Control Overdue 1046 2.43
14 R&D Operations Overdue 1645 2.53
I want to create a bar chart with 'Department' on the X axis, 'Overdue' on the Y axis and the 'Percentage' as a label on each column.
I have written the code below which has produced the following chart:
my_colors = 'rgbkymc'
figx = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
plt.bar(x, y, color=my_colors)
figx.suptitle('Overdue Training Assignments by Department', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Department', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Overdue Count', fontsize=14)
for index, value in enumerate(z):
plt.text(value, index, str(value));
As you can see, the percentage values do not align with each bar. Please can someone let me know where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance
Ah I think I see it now. The proper usage is:
plt.text(x, y, s)
Where your x
is index, y
is the corrosponding 'Overdue' value (plus an offset to make sure it displays above the bar) and then your s
is already in order.
So that would result something like:
for index, value in enumerate(z):
plt.text(index, y[index] + offset, str(value))