Can I make a custom element tapable?
This is my component:
<FlexboxLayout class="profile-item" flexDirection="column">
<label :text="text" />
<label class="subtext" v-if="subtext" :text="subtext" />
And this is how I would like to use it:
<Item text="Test" @tap="onItemTap" />
<Button text="Button" @tap="onItemTap" />
import Item from "./Item";
export default {
components: {
methods: {
onItemTap(event) {
Taping the buttons works but not my custom element.
You can either handle the tap event from inside the custom element or wrap the custom element inside a ContentView
and attach the tap event to the container like this:
<ContentView @tap="onItemTap">
<Item text="Test" />
<Button text="Button" @tap="onItemTap" />