I am trying to create a graph using graphviz in my Sphinx documentation.
I managed to include a href
in the graph to link an external web page (good example here https://jhermann.github.io/blog/python/documentation/2020/03/25/sphinx_ext_graphviz.html).
I would now like do the same but referencing another page of my documentation (using something like :ref:`another page of my documentation`
instead of the href
). Expected result is: you click on a node of the graph and it opens the corresponding documentation page/ section.
Is this possible? Any workarounds for this?
I would assume that any value that you put in an href
attribute that works in HTML would also work in graphviz. Try adding a relative path for its value, for example:
.. graphviz::
:name: name
digraph "my-digraph" {
my [label="my-label",