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Gcloud command for listing notification channels not working with filter

I am trying to filter the existing channels created for stack-driver alert notifications using gcloud command based on the displayName. The channels are of type emails and webhook and below is structure of email notification channel:

  mutateTime: '2021-03-16T14:28:59.926805618Z'
displayName: 'Test Notifications Channel'
enabled: true
- mutateTime: '2021-03-16T14:28:59.926805618Z'
name: projects/xxx/notificationChannels/13657854696054677020
type: email

I am using the following Gcloud command to list this channel to find out whether it actually exists.

gcloud alpha monitoring channels list --filter='displayName="Test Notifications Channel"' --format='value(name)' --project=xxx

The output is:

WARNING: The following filter keys were not present in any resource : displayName

Also the beta version of the command gives the same result. I need to find out if the channel exists and by the displayName.

Note: in the --filter='type="email"' is working, but I don't require that.

Which gcloud command and filter can I use to solve this issue?


Thanks for your responses below, i find that the filter is indeed working for the above code, as rightly pointed out there is some trailing space. What I have been actually trying is the the displayName is consisting of Test Notifications Channel Default.

But in the filter I have given only, omitting the Default:

gcloud alpha monitoring channels list --filter='displayName="Test Notifications Channel"' --format='value(name)' --project=xxx

but my requirement is to print all the channels starting with the displayName Test Notifications Channel so I want something like this:

gcloud alpha monitoring channels list --filter='displayName="Test Notifications Channel*"' --format='value(name)' --project=xxx


  • gcloud alpha monitoring channels list --filter='displayName:"Test Notifications Channel"' --format='value(name)' --project=xxx

    This command gives all the Test Notifications like:

    Test Notifications Channel Default

    Test Notifications Channel Non-Default