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SVG instead of regular image in Bottom navigation on nativescript

I am building an android application using Angular nativescript. In my app i have a tabs navigation menu on the bottom of the page of type BottomNavigation. For each TabStripItem i can put a label and an image. The problem is i want to put there an SVG image instead of the regular Image, but its only accept an Image and a Label. How can i solve that?

            <label text="some text"></label>
            <SVGImage src="image source"></SVGImage>


  • It is not possible with the current Nativescript TabStrip Component, I'm attaching code that i used in my project to achieve the desired result.


        <GridLayout dock="bottom" class="tg-bg-tabs tg-text-light" columns="*,*,*,*" rows="auto">
            <StackLayout *ngFor="let tab of tabs; let idx = index" (tap)="onTabTapped(tab)" row="0" height="65" ripple
                rippleColor="#e0e0e0" []="isTabSelected(tab)" class="p-b-2 m-y-5" verticalAlignment="center"
                [class.font-weight-bold]="isTabSelected(tab)" col="{{idx}}">
                <SVGImage [src]="tab.icon" android:width="25" ios:width="25" android:height="25" ios:height="23"
                    color="green" class="fas" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></SVGImage>
                <Label [text]="'tabs.' + | L" horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center"></Label>


    export class TabsComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
      tabs = [
        { name: 'home', icon: '~/assets/images/other/home-active.svg' },
        { name: 'transfers', icon: '~/assets/images/other/transfers-muted.svg' },
        { name: 'products', icon: '~/assets/images/other/products-muted.svg' },
        { name: 'settings', icon: '~/assets/images/other/settings-muted.svg' },
      selectedTab = this.tabs[0]
      onTabTapped(tab) {
        if (!this.disableTap) {
          this.selectedTab = tab
          this.tabs.forEach((t) => {
            if ( === {
              t.icon = `~/assets/images/other/${}-active.svg`
            } else {
              t.icon = `~/assets/images/other/${}-muted.svg`
          this.routerExtensions.navigate(['./' +], {
            relativeTo: this.activatedRoute,

    Using same technique may help you too😎