I tried to write some line of code for quick sort algorithm using numpy algorithm. But It seems not working properly . Can you help me solve it ?
import numpy as np
def quick_sort_np(narr):
"""A numpy version of quick sort algorithm"""
narr = np.array(narr)
if len(narr)<= 1 :
return narr
p = narr[-1] # I take the last item as pivot by convension
print (f"at this level the pivot is {p}")
lnarr = narr[narr<p]
print (f"----------------------> left arr is {lnarr}")
rnarr = narr[narr>p]
print (f"----------------------> right arr is {rnarr}")
return quick_sort_np(lnarr) + p + quick_sort_np(rnarr)
in case of [1,2,6,5,4,8,7,99,33] as input my code returns nothing and that's the question.
acting on np.arrays is element wise addition, not concatenation.