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Cannot build using gradle when using clearcase

I have been trying to build my Java web application using gradle. Everything work fine in the local drive and the build goes through as expected. However, when I switch to using the clearcase MVFS File system (G:), the build seems to behave erratically. From the windows 10 command line, if I change directory to the G:\ drive location, and execute "gradle war", it works fine the first time. After that, I run the same command again - the already created war file gets deleted and the classes are removed. It's bizarre. I did the following and still the behavior is the same.

  1. disabled daemon
  2. disabled file watching

Its the same behavior with Gradle 7 and gradle 6.8.

When I delete the .gradle folder, everything works fine again.

So - Does gradle not support the NFS and MVFS File System ? What is the solution to this problem ? Any help is appreciated.


  • Does gradle not support the NFS and MVFS File System ?

    That is why I proposed in 2018 to use gradle only in snapshot views.
    Especially considering a "gradle --no-daemon build" does defeat the purpose of having the daemon at all.

    A build is better served in a local filesystem than a mounted one (MVFS dynamic views) which relies on where your view server is.