I have the following dataframe at AID level and I would like to Group By
on CID with min
priority, max
Ind values and also calculate the sum
for amount field
AID CID priority amount Ind
100 C100 1 50 1
200 C100 2 100 0
300 C300 5 300 0
400 C300 3 200 0
500 C300 4 150 0
Desired Dataframe
CID Priority amount Ind
C100 1 150 1
C300 3 650 0
I tried this
Error: method object is not subscriptable
df.groupby("CID", as_index=False).agg(
{"priority": "min", "Ind": "max", "amount": "sum"}
CID priority Ind amount
0 C100 1 1 150
1 C300 3 0 650