When I am presented with programming problems, I naturally start breaking them up into logical objects in my head. Who has what responsibility, who owns what, who derives from what, etc.
I am struggling with C. I just don't get how to do things in a Procedural Language.
Can an experienced C programmer help explain how I should think about my programs during design time?
For example, I want to write my own Semaphore class. I would naturally need a Queue data structure for my program, which I would like to write myself as well. If I needed to do this in Java or C#, I could simply whip up a quick Queue class and create a new instance of it in my Semaphore class.
But in C, there aren't objects. So do I have to inline all the behavior of my Queue data structure?
Can someone help me "get it"?
Related: what is the best way to plan and organize development of an application in c
But in C, there aren't objects. So do I have to inline all the behavior of my Queue data structure?
Do this.
Define your class however you feel comfortable doing OO design.
Write the attributes of your class as a C-language struct.
Put that struct in a header file, along with all of the functions that operate on that struct. Make sure a MyStruct * self
is the first argument to all of these "method functions".
Write a C module with all of the bodies of the method functions.
Poor-person's OO in C. It works well. Just be disciplined about putting everything into the struct that you need -- public and private instance variables -- everything.
Generally, avoid trying to have private variables in the first place. You don't have the full power of an OO compiler, so don't bother with low-value features like "private" or "protected".