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Flutter scrollbar on textfield

I have full screen TextField that grow in size when the user added more lines/text. I want to add scrollbar for the user to know the size the TextField and where is he.

This is the code the my screen and TextField:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class TextEditor extends StatefulWidget {
  _TextEditorState createState() => _TextEditorState();

class _TextEditorState extends State<TextEditor> {
  TextEditingController _editTextController = TextEditingController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    var scaffold = Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        leading: IconButton(
          icon: Icon(Icons.arrow_back),
          onPressed: () => _backButton(),
        title: Text("File name"),
      body: _buildTextEditor(),
      resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true,
    return scaffold;

  Widget _buildTextEditor() {
    return TextField(
      autofocus: true,
      keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
      maxLines: null,
      autocorrect: true,
      onChanged: (s) => {},
      decoration: InputDecoration(
        border: InputBorder.none,
        isDense: true,

  _backButton() {}

This is what I have

What I have

This is what I want, the scrollbar on the right

What I want

I could not find a way to do this and I don't an expert on Flutter to know how to do this on my own


  • Fortunately, the TextField widget accepts a scroll controller. This can be used to generate a scrollbar. See the example below.

    TextEditingController _editTextController = TextEditingController();
    // Initialise a scroll controller.
    ScrollController _scrollController = ScrollController();

    Then, add it to the TextField widget and wrap this widget in a Scrollbar!

    return Scrollbar(
      controller: _scrollController,
      isAlwaysShown: true,
      child: TextField(
        scrollController: _scrollController,
        autofocus: true,
        keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
        maxLines: null,
        autocorrect: true,
        onChanged: (s) => {},
        decoration: InputDecoration(
          border: InputBorder.none,
          isDense: true,