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How to share a server context between packages

I am very new to go and fiber and am struggling with creating a server in a package and then sharing the context in another package.

// package main
func init() {
    // Init server

func main() {
    globs.Server.Get("/hello", handlers.HelloWorld)

and I am initializing the server as;

// package globs
// global vars
var (
    Conf   map[string]string
    DBPool *pgxpool.Pool
    Loggi  *zap.Logger
    Server *fiber.App

func InitServer() {
    srv := fiber.New()
    Server = srv

Finally, I am trying handle the controllers as;

// package handlers
func HelloWorld(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    globs.Loggi.Info("Says Hello")
    return c.SendString("Hello, World 👋!")

I am not getting any error during compilation and the app starts fine, but it is not recognising any routes. If i goto "/hello", it gives a 404 and show "Cannot GET /hello"


  • You are calling Server.Listen in the init function. Server.Listen does not return until listening fails, so you have to move that to the end of main, after you setup everything.