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Merge tables with index column in pandas

I need to join two tables:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I use the next code:

    table = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['user-reference_id'], how = 'right')

But it doesn´t work. I have obtained duplicated values.

The result i need to obtain is:

user-reference_id reference_date first_purchase month
159 2019-06-14 62.95 6
5009 2017-10-19 58.50 10
5026 2017-07-04 35.52 7
5032 2017-01-02 71.68 1


  • Edit: I misunderstood your case so I have changed my answer.

    The type of merge to be performed is wrong. You need to change your keyword argument on the how parameter. Change it to:

    table = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['user-reference_id'], how='outer')

    There are a couple of links that are related e.g. :

    Difference(s) between merge() and concat() in pandas

    Pandas/Python: How to concatenate two dataframes without duplicates?