I want to pipe pdf-generating output through pdftk to remove annotations.
How can I combine this existing portion of a working AppleScript line:
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/$pdf-generating-app --page-size=A4 --page-margin=5mm " & (quoted form of POSIX path of filename) & " -o " & (quoted form of POSIX path of outputFilename)
And have that piped through pdftk to remove annotations, as per this script by Farid Cheraghi?
sh pdftk in.pdf output - uncompress | sed '/^\/Annots/d' | pdftk - output out.pdf compress
If it's YeLogic prince, you can use the hyphen (-
) to make it output to stdout
and thus pipe it to pdftk :
/usr/local/bin/prince --page-size=A4 --page-margin=5mm <your filename> -o - | \
pdftk - output - uncompress | sed '/^\/Annots/d' | pdftk - output out.pdf compress
With AppleScript, that should be :
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/prince --page-size=A4 --page-margin=5mm " & (quoted form of POSIX path of filename) & " -o - | pdftk - output - uncompress | sed '/^\/Annots/d' | pdftk - output " & (quoted form of POSIX path of outputFilename) & " compress"
Anyway, i suggest you to remove the watermark directly with prince, it should be possible through CSS properties.