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Powershell : multiple Select-Object statements returning 1st occurrence results only

I am running PowerShell version 4.0 on Windows 8.1

I have an xml document (from a nifi flow) called flow1.xml as follows:

<flowController encoding-version="1.3">
    <position x="0.0" y= "0.0"/>
      <position x="1000.0" y="2000.0"/>
        <position x="3000.0" y="4000.0"/>

I have a powerShell script test.ps1 as follows :

$xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName XML

$xmlDocument.flowController.rootGroup.processGroup |
Where-Object { $ -eq 'SmallTime'} |
Select-Object -Property {$}

$xmlDocument.flowController.rootGroup.processGroup.processGroup |
Where-Object { $ -eq 'TinyTime'} |
Select-Object -Property {$}

I run from PowerShell within a Windows Cmd box; ie PS C\Temp> When I run this I get output as expected:


When I change the 2nd Select_Object thus :

$xmlDocument.flowController.rootGroup.processGroup.processGroup |
Where-Object { $ -eq 'TinyTime'} |
Select-Object -Property {$}

I get


I get only the $_id from the 1st clause, but not the $_name from the 2nd clause. The general case is - if both Select-Object statements select the same parameter then both are executed correctly. For instance if both Select-Object statements were Select-Object -Property {$} I get the output :


If the Select-Object statements are different it seems to only execute the first one. I tried reading in the xmlDocument again before the 2nd Select-Object :

$xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName XML

$xmlDocument.flowController.rootGroup.processGroup |
Where-Object { $ -eq 'SmallTime'} |
Select-Object -Property {$}

$xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName XML
$xmlDocument.flowController.rootGroup.processGroup.processGroup |
Where-Object { $ -eq 'TinyTime'} |
Select-Object -Property {$}

but the same thing happens. I only get the result of the 1st Select-Object statement.

Does anyone know why this is happening?


  • Just adding this note for closure.

    Don't know what was going wrong with the piping. Colleagues have had similar problems. So I changed tack.

    I drilled down into $xmlDocument by setting a new variable: $group = $xmlDocument.flowController.rootGroup.processGroup

    and replaced the code with appropriate

    foreach ($property in ${
       if ($ -eq 'oldValue'){
         parameter.value = 'newValue'

    This works, and can be further elaborated/complicated with more complex searches.