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PowerShell command Start-Process not getting executed on remote

I have the below PowerShell script which runs form Jenkins on node of windows server 2019 (it suppose to run deploy on sql server):

$Username = $args[0]
$Password = $args[1]
$Env= $args[2]

$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force 
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username,$pass

echo "********  Start SQL Deploy  ********"

echo "-----  B4 Start-Process Powershell.exe  -----"
Start-Process -FilePath "msbuild" -ArgumentList '"Database Services\Database Services.sqlproj"','/t:deploy','/p:Configuration=Release','/p:TargetConnectionString=$Env','/p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=True','/p:TargetDatabase="test"','-fl','-flp:logfile=msbuild.log' -wait -LoadUserProfile -credential $cred 
echo "-----  After Start-Process Powershell.exe  -----"

and my output is:

********  Start SQL Deploy  ********

    -----  B4 Start-Process Powershell.exe  -----
    -----  After Start-Process Powershell.exe  -----

We can clearly see Start-Process was not executed. It's important to say it works locally for me, and only when I move to work with node, it started to happens.

I saw similar issue was raised in jenkins forum, but no one commented on that: JENKINS-63978


  • I got the answer here (also was taken from some SO thread):