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Swagger set parameter properties from ASP.Net core

I'm using Swagger with serializing for OpenApi 3.0. In detail I try to serialize an input query parameter array with the following format


I know how to achieve this in the swagger documentation. Just set parameter.explode=false

  - name: myArray
    in: query
    explode: false

But I don't know how to set this parameter property in ASP.Net Core 3.1 in my controller class to get my swagger doc generated correctly. I tried several things like implementing a filter based on IParameterFilter but nothing worked fine for me.


  • Fortunately I was able solve the issue as I found a discussion in Swashbuckle.AspNetCore on GitHub.

    Implementing a custom parameter filter was the right way.

    public class QueryArrayParameterFilter : IParameterFilter
        public void Apply(OpenApiParameter parameter, ParameterFilterContext context)
            if (!parameter.In.HasValue || parameter.In.Value != ParameterLocation.Query) 
            if (parameter.Schema?.Type == "array" && parameter.Name.Equals("myArray"))
                var value = null as IOpenApiExtension;                
                parameter.Extensions.TryGetValue("explode", out value);
                if (value == null)
                    parameter.Extensions.Add("explode", new OpenApiBoolean(false));

    The filter has to be applied to the swagger gen in the ASP.Net core Startup.cs

    services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>