I tried everything i could find online and spent a lot of time on this but I cant do it.
It's a form with a ListBox
with random numbers from 20 to 30 and I need to find the min and show its position. The hard part is that if i have 2 of the same number or 3 of them, then I don't know what to do and I tried almost everything.
This is the code i did so far:
Random r = new Random();
int[] a;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i;
a = new int[10];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
a[i] = r.Next(20, 31);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int[] b;
b = new int[10];
int mini=3435, i,index=0;
b = (int[])a.Clone();
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
if (b[i] < mini)
mini = b[i];
index = Array.IndexOf(b, mini);
label2.Text = Convert.ToString("la pozitia: " + index);
label1.Text = Convert.ToString("Minimul este: " +mini );
Since you simply want to output the positions as a comma seperate list, you can use a separate string for the list of positions that match:
int[] b;
b = new int[10];
int mini = int.MaxValue, i, index = 0;
string miniList = "";
b = (int[])a.Clone();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (b[i] < mini)
mini = b[i];
miniList = "";
if (b[i] == mini)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(miniList))
miniList += ", ";
miniList += i;
label1.Text = Convert.ToString("Minimul este: " + mini);
label2.Text = Convert.ToString("la pozitia: " + miniList);
NOTE: I also set the mini value to int.MaxValue to begin with so code should work with any number range